Mijn naam is Celine Mulder en op deze site, Mulder Movies (voorheen Widecean Movies) kan je wat van mijn video’s bekijken. Ik ben al jaren bezig met het maken van video’s. Het leukste vind ik het om mijn blik op de wereld om te zetten in video, om het zo met anderen te kunnen delen.
I have been making videos since I was ten. I started making short films with my friends in elementary school. Later in high school, I also started making videos on assignment for people. When an assignment on school had to be presented, I almost always knew right away that I wanted to make a video of it. Even outside my school, I got an assignment every now and then. For example, I was allowed to record pieces for the local theater society, direct videos for friends and I received various small assignments from acquaintances and family. In 2022 I completed my education at the Amsterdam Film School. I followed the programme Director for Fiction Films, where I made my first short movie 'Battle of Time'.
Film is the platform where I can show my view on the world and I can share it with others.
Besides writing scripts and directing films, I also edit videos. For editing I mainly work in Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro. In addition, I am constantly learning new programs and techniques to expand my knowledge on editing.
Please find some of my videos below!